8 October 2006

Music Freak
Today I was thinking about how much music has been a huge part of my life. Music evokes memories and stirs emotions. I still remember the song that I used to listen to before I wrote every exam in university (The Mission's "Tower of Strength"), and the first song of my first really big concert (David Bowie's "Modern Love"). There's certain songs that always make me feel like dancing - Abba's "Dancing Queen" for example, or songs that I could listen to over and over, like Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars". Do you ever get goosebumps from a song? You know what I love to do ..... sing out loud in my car. AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE. I get some weird looks from other drivers, but I don't care. If I don't sing in my car on the way to the train each morning, then the day doesn't start out right. Do I sound good? I don't want to know the answer to that.
I think that being a musician would be one of the coolest jobs in the world. Imagine being surrounded by music every day. I wonder if they ever get sick of it? You can tell the difference between a song that really means something to the singer, as opposed to the bullshit that you hear from the likes of a Jessica Simpson, or Britney Spears whose main motivation is cranking out shit that will make money so that they can keep up with their hair extension addictions. Blah.
"If music be the food of love, play on dude, play on!" (Not quite Shakespeare)


Blogger Sally T. said...

Hey, I did a music post last night! Great minds think alike, my friend.

3:28 pm

Blogger Nat said...

I dated a musician, who was very serious about me, very serious. He was one of the sweetest men I had ever known. He's one that I let get away. Musicians, their lives are are constantly on edge...on the road and definately not the nine to fivers! Yet, the power to play music as work defies what 'work' means to most of us...Creativity is key to this astral plane. If you have it, do it.

10:09 am


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