1 September 2008

Please explain ....

A few of life's mysteries:

1. Yo yo weight. I'm up, I'm down. I realize that I've had far too much beer and dessert this past summer, but the clothes that I had put away a few months ago are now starting to fit again. How can inches be lost and found that rapidly?
2. Why is it that when I tell my (single) friends to try online dating they find somebody in like a week, when I've been looking ... and looking ... and looking for what seems like forever?
3. Insomnia - every Sunday before another work week.
4. Can somebody please explain the whole liquid restriction thing for flights? Why can we carry liquids in small containers, and then multiple containers in small baggies, but as soon as you're one handcream over the limit - no way.
5. Why is it that when I show male friends the same sort of affection that I show my female friends they get all weird and don't know what to do? I'm just being nice - I don't want you! Stop it!
6. I get so excited when I have plans to go out on the weekend. Doesn't matter what I'm doing - a party, drinks with a friend, dinner .... anything social. So I make myself look pretty, strap on a pair of killer shoes, have a drink, and then yawn. Yawn! What the - I can't be tired! I want to party like it's 1999! I want to meet new people! Why am I yawning?!?
7. While we're on the subject of shoes, why is there a direct relationship between killer shoes and the number of blisters that will develop on your feet from wearing them?
8. Still speaking of shoes ..... crocs ..... why?
9. Why is it that when older males (like 40 +) drink in a public venue they all of a sudden think that acting like they're 20 again is attractive? Wrestling with your fellow gray-hairs is not cool. Nor is ogling the teenage girls.
10. Acne is your 40's. Life is cruel.


Blogger Sally T. said...

And what they really need to stop on flights is allowing women to marinate in perfume! Quickest way to kill everyone on board (old ladies are the absolute worst).

Yep, immature men. Ugh. Pass...

3:25 pm


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