1 January 2008

Happy 2008!

Wow, it's been a while! I'm still alive ... I know that I had some people worried. No excuse other than life got extremely busy, and competing interests (ie. the man) put blogging at the bottom of the priority list. Just to let you know that life is good - glad that the holidays are over - but life is good.

We had a snowstorm last night and everything looks so beautiful. It's still snowing outside. What a great start to 2008!

Should I even bother with the resolutions? I usually don't. But I try to set some goals so maybe I should do that. Here goes:

- keep traveling (shouldn't be hard as I'm going to Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania this summer)
- stay motivated with work, and hopefully have another excellent term
- stay in touch with my boys and what they're up to in life ... they're growing up too fast! And they sometimes feel like strangers (especially Manchild) 'cause who wants to converse with boring old mom?
- try one new adventure every month .... already planning a dog-sledding trip in February!
- finally figure out where I want to go back to school - I applied to 2 Master's programs for next year ... oops, this year .... but I'm not sure if they're what I really want to do
- plan more visits with K ... cause I love her and always have a great time with her! And I feel bad that I've never been to visit her in Wisconsin
- keep working hard on the Sparky-relationship thing

Happy New Year!