28 September 2008

Manchild's Choice

Manchild is in the process of applying to university. He went to a university fair today in TO, and I just sat down with him to get his thoughts. His top 3 picks are .... Ottawa, Guelph, and Waterloo. In that order. It hit me hard when he told me that he wants to go to Ottawa - I never figured that he'd be so far away. I should be happy (and I am) because he is doing his research - when I asked him why he chose Ottawa as his 1st choice he mentioned things like they have a lot of bursaries and scholarships; he can continue his studies in french so he doesn't lose the language; it's a great city. He doesn't know anybody who is applying there, and I'm proud of him for doing that. I know that a lot of his friends are making decisions based on where everybody else is applying, or where their boyfriend goes to university.

So I've read the booklets that he brought home, and OMG - it's going to cost about $15,000 A YEAR for him to study! I can't afford that - I'm trying to put myself through school right now! I think that I'm in denial .... I don't have a grip on the reality of the university bills that are going to be coming in. I've saved some money in a RESP, and I know that his dad has been diligent about that as well (especially all those years that he wasn't paying child support ... I'm just sayin'). So now he's got to rely on the scholarships and OSAP. I've applied for a scholarship as well, and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get it.

It's times like these that I wish that I had a man around who would figure all of this out. I'm overwhelmed.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Jesus H. Murphy...your man-child is heading off to university? I remember you bringing him, in the CAR SEAT, to Phillip Street after he was born.

I feel ancient.

And poor you. But hey...my parents helped me (barely) the first year and then I did co-op and other part-time jobs to make it through. He'll be fine, sweets.

But his dad should definitely be helping financially. Men. Ugh.

2:09 pm

Blogger vancouver said...

$15000 per year! OMG, our tuition was a fraction of that. However, that was a LONG time ago. I feel like such an out of touch parent! I am sure he is smart like his mom and will get a scholarship! You'll be fine.
Can you imagine how much it will be when my boys go?...they are 4 and 7 now!

2:27 pm


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