5 June 2007

Douche bag

Defn: (noun) doosh-bag
  1. somebody who puts their wants and desires before the well-being of their children; example, a man who leaves random women's underwear scattered freely about his house for his children to find and ponder who they belong to since mommy doesn't live there anymore
  2. somebody who doesn't realize that they're not 16 anymore and should thus stop partying their faces off and drinking copious amounts of alcohol on a regular basis because (a) your drunken party faces just aren't cute anymore at this age, (b) people aren't looking your way because they wish that they were having that much fun, (c) puke stories are not funny when you're 40, and (d) not remembering details of the night before isn't a good story - it's just sad
  3. somebody who refuses to leave their marriage "because of the kids", yet insists on multiple flirtations (including online solicitations) and affairs to get him/her through this very rough period in their life (boo fucking hoo).

Stay tuned for next week's definition of "fucktard".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - sounds strangely like our conversation this afternoon. Here's to never becoming the photos that belong next to any of those definitions! (Don't like the sound of 'fucktard' either, but I'll hold off on a final opinion on that one until I read your definition....).

8:35 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

Ouch. Some poor bugger has definitely rubbed on your last nerve! Douchbag sounds right, though. That's how I would have used it in context.

11:10 am

Blogger Marta said...

Not one person - many that are affecting people I care about. There are far too many dicks around that are lacking in character and integrity.

8:15 pm


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