31 January 2007

Blog you ....
I read an article in the paper this morning about a "study" that some guy did about blogs. He states that bloggers write about very real emotional things, but that they don't live in a reality-based world. You see bloggers are avoiding the real world. Bloggers are avoiding real relationships with people. That doesn't describe me, does it? Okay, maybe it does to a certain extent. I'm the first to admit that I've been avoiding a relationship for a very long time - but all I've seen around me is unhappiness, heartache, and bad relationships. Who wants the hurt and pain that goes with a relationship? Who wants the fights, and the loneliness, and the compromising, and the games, and the cheating, and the ..... I think that I've just had too many bad experiences.

I think that I'll just keep on blogging!


Blogger sassy girl said...

Oh, the guy who did the study is full of it! My world is soooo based in reality that I need blogging to get away from it and get some perspective! I'm happily married and have tons of friends and family... in fact, I'm sure my friends get annoyed having to hear my stories twice... once in blog-land and again when hanging out!

11:34 am


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