11 January 2007

It's Raining Men (Hallelujah?)

Why is it that when it rains, it pours? Embarrassing fact about me - I do the online dating thing. I know that millions of other people do it and I've seen successes first hand (my friend T married a guy that she met online - what a story that is, right T!), but I still feel weird telling people that I do this. Anyhow, I posted the picture that you see here, and since Jan 1st I have had almost 100 men contact me! I can't freaking keep up with it all! Poor me! But seriously, I can't decide between which semi-decent guy to choose, so I've decided to send out feelers to about 10 of them. Is that wrong of me? Worst (best?) case scenario is that I have dates with 10 different men in the next few weeks. I can do it, right? I've got game!

To tell you the truth, I actually hate dating. All the superficial chit chat, and starting from basics questions - egads. It's so much work. I would like to meet somebody and go straight to lying around on the couch with no makeup and my bathrobe on if we click. I never really dated when I was younger - I always managed to hook up with somebody by meeting them in a group of people, and all of a sudden we were in a 6 month relationship. I keep telling my friends who are married (some happy, some not) and want to "live vicariously through me" that dating in your 30's is different from dating in your 20's. Much, much more judging and bullshit.

I will keep you posted on my "predicament".


Blogger Sally T. said...

One of THE most gorgeous women I know. Seriously.

And one of the smartest, sweetest, funniest and craziest, too.

Any one of those bazillion guys would be lucky to even sit beside you, girl. Keep me posted...I'll help you screen 'em if you want ;)

11:06 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo hoo....
Have fun and keep me posted.
Your friend "T"

3:02 pm

Blogger Marta said...

Aw shucks Sal - I'm blushing now ...

5:33 pm


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