5 January 2007

Here's what I have learnt - men do not want to be friends with women. I don't get it. In university, my best friend was a guy - when did it change and not be okay for a female to have a close friendship with a man? I have met a lot of men through my adventures in dating over the past couple of years, and despite the fact that most men I talk to say that they "enjoy meeting new people", if you don't fall madly in love with them or if they can't envision spending the rest of your life with you after the first 10 minutes of meeting you, then they are not interested in cultivating a friendship. I miss having a guy for a friend.

I've been lying awake in my bed thinking about this (it's now 12:30am - not good considering my 5:30am wake up) because the past couple of evenings there have been movies on TV involving women with close friendships with guys. But the ending of each movie always involved a big "aha" moment where the woman realized that she was in love with the guy after all these years - why, oh why does it have to end like that? I have a guy friend right now, and I get a lot of flack for it. My friends tell me he likes me (he has a girlfriend); my friends tell me that it isn't normal to do "date things" with him (dinner or a movie - it's not like we're having sex people); my friends tell me that I should just "go for it" ...... why can't I just be friends with this guy?????

And don't give me it's the whole "when Harry met Sally" thing - that guys can't be friends with women because they want to sleep with them. I don't buy that. I can pretty much guarantee that my guy friend does not want to sleep with me (hey wait a second - why doesn't he want to sleep with me ...... oh stop!)

Wanted: one male friend for companionship. Must provide shoulder to cry on. Must be sensitive, tell me that I look fabulous, and continually inflate my ego. Ability to return phone calls and emails an asset. Additional requirements include handy, smells nice, will watch the occasional "chick flick" without complaining, mixes a mean martini, and enjoys random acts of kindness.

Ya - good luck with all that.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Sounds like a gay man to me, Marta!

10:43 am

Blogger Marta said...

Noooooo ..... say it isn't so Sal! There's got to be a nice hetero guy who fits the wanted profile!

8:36 pm

Blogger Unknown said...

Dudes, I have tonnes of female friends whom I have no interest in sleeping with, so maybe all the guys you know suck. Of course, I do listen to a lot of New Order so maybe I'm half gay.

9:23 pm

Blogger sassy girl said...

One of my best friends is a guy. We go for coffee, dinner and movies together or hang out in bookstores, etc. I don't think it's weird and neither does my husband, a couple of his best friends are girls. Mind you, my guy friend and I don't watch 'chick-flicks' together and I don't cry on his shoulder... if I need to cry I call a girlfriend... I think we are both more comfortable with this.

11:19 am


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