1 January 2007

Happy Funky New Year

Welcome to the first day of 2007. As I sat in my big chair by the window this morning drinking my coffee, I reflected on the past year and decided that I definitely need some changes this year. For those who know me, the end of 2006 was not a good one for me - work issues, cancer drama, family (mother) problems, and an overall lack of joy in my life. I have become bogged down by excuses - I'm not happy because ..... I've gained weight because ..... I don't date because ..... you get the picture. Damn it - that's not me. I need to just suck it up and get things done!

So here is a list of things that I would like to accomplish this year:

  1. Go back to school - start my Masters or do something completely different for a new career direction
  2. Get back to my regular exercise program - about a year ago, I felt and looked great and I want to get back to that
  3. Travel to Europe - whether it's Paris for my 40th, or a trip with the kids, it will happen
  4. Stop eating crap! I've always been an emotional eater and this has got to stop.
  5. Try something new - I want to learn how to knit. I want to get my pilot licence. Digital photography looks cool. Etc.
  6. Be fearless - A woman that I met through the gym wants me to sign up for an orienteering race with her, and a 400km biking challenge. I can do it!
  7. Keep dating, and actually give the guy(s) a chance.
  8. Nurture my female friendships - I love how strong my fellow females are, and I need to spend more time with my friends and encourage new female friendships. Some of the women in my life are going through difficult times right now, and I need to support them more.

And on that note ...... it's time to hit the gym! Watch out 2007!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL .....
THAT's the Marta I know and love!
I'm hoping that this means you will be at my place on Saturday January 6th for a night of food, wine and frivolity!
PS. I have a friend of Johns asking questions about you!
Love ya. Tara

10:52 am

Blogger Sally T. said...

Happy New Year, girlfriend! You go get 'em!

I missed a month of kung fu before Christmas due to the flu (so I feel your pain) and I'm hoping I'm not too far behind now.

Just have to keep plugging away, right? I resolve to trip to Ontario this year and party with my pals!

11:26 am


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