26 November 2006

Life's disappointments
I watched the movie "Scoop" last night and was so disappointed by it. Scarlett Johansson and Hugh Jackman were great, and the story was interesting, but Woody Allen ruined the entire movie for me. Can the man just talk without bumbling and saying stupid things? His whole neurotic thing is so old. Keep making movies Woody, but don't act in them please.

Don't you hate it when you're sooooo looking forward to something and then it falls flat? Here's some other things that just totally suck when they happen:
1. When you're so psyched to go to a concert, and then when you get there your seat sucks, or you can't see a thing, or the opening band bites, or there's complete morons sitting around you.
2. When you're so excited to open a gift from your new boyfriend and it turns out to be something completely inappropriate that screams "I have no clue who you are or what you like". 3. When you go to your regular eating place and decide on a whim to try something different on the menu and it turns out to be inedible crap.
4. When you find all sorts of amazing clothes in a store (and they're on sale!) and then when you try them on they don't fit and they end up making you look like a female version of Humpty Dumpty.
5. When you buy a new CD from your favourite band and with the exception of maybe 1 song, the entire CD sucks.
6. When an old flame calls you from out of the blue and sounds so nice and wants to get together to "catch up" on old times and he takes you to a nice restaurant and you have a few drinks and he's still the same old jerk that he used to be (hasn't happened to me I swear! ;)
7. When you're soooo looking forward to going out and doing things on the weekend and nobody calls you or there is absolutely nothing to do but sit at home (by yourself) and watch bad movies.

Okay - you get the picture. Have a disappointment-free day!


Blogger Sally T. said...

Or, when you spend a half hour on Monday morning inputting your blog entry, which is funny and articulate (for a change), and Blogger boots you and won't let you save the entry. And then you have to retype it and it's just not as good.

That's disappointing, too, and it almost never happens (to anyone except me, that is).

11:02 am


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