10 November 2006

Travel bug
I don't know what it is, but lately all I've been thinking about is how I can get the hell out of here and travel. All right, if I really want to delve deep inside to figure out why I'm consumed with thoughts of traveling then I have to admit that this is my way of dealing with life - I run. Perhaps I'm just looking for a way to avoid dealing with the hard stuff that is wearing me down lately. Okay - enough deep stuff. Let's talk about where I'd like to go:

1. South America - I don't know what it is about this continent, but it fascinates me. I have a friend who has done a lot of travelling through South America and all of the pictures that I have seen have been beautiful. I think that I'm going to investigate "volunteer vacations" in SA.
2. New Zealand - Again, looks like a beautiful country with the added bonus of people speaking English there.
3. Italy - #1 on my list of places to go. I would love to rent a little villa there in the summer and bring the boys.
4. Iceland - Surprised? My friend K suggested that I take the boys here for the summer solstice (20 hours of sunlight!) next year and she would meet me there. Seems like a fascinating part of the world.
5. Fiji, Indonesia, etc. - Exotic, warm, and beautiful (hmmm - I need a synonym for "beautiful").
6. Croatia and the Adriatic Sea - Looks undiscovered with lots of history. I could travel south from there down to Greece.
7. Europe - Take me anywhere! I would go back to any of the countries that I visited this past summer, plus would love to see Prague, Spain/Portugal, the rest of France, Germany .....
8. Latvia - I have to put this one down for my mom. It's her dream to bring her kids (and grandkids) to Latvia before it's too late. And I would love to get some insight into my mother - she loved this country and I think that leaving it behind almost destroyed her and my grandmother.
9. Japan - I'm sure that this tiny little crowded country would induce a panic attack of gigantic proportions, but I'm willing to take the risk.
10. Egypt and Jordan - For the history - pyramids, Petra .....

If I could take a year off of work, I'd take the kids out of school and we'd travel the world. They need to see that there is more to life than the tiny, little world that they inhabit. And hopefully they would grow up to be tolerant and accepting of others.

I need to find a sugar daddy .......


Blogger Sally T. said...

I have dreams very much similar to yours, Marta. Taking my boys and travelling the world which they're very much in favour of.

Many of my choices are also yours...Italy, Europe, Japan and maybe Hawaii, Hong Kong and Scotland for me.

I envy people who travel lots, don't you?

11:35 pm


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