6 November 2006

Commuting nightmares
There is nothing worse at the end of a long workday than to walk into Union Station to find it packed with angry commuters who find that their train has either been canceled or delayed. This happened to me today - thankfully I can take either a GO train or VIA, and VIA tends to leave on time and get me home (except for the day that the engine broke down and it took me 5 hours to get home - another story). My fellow coworker commuters and I devised a list of commuting behaviours from hell - here it is:

10 Things we Hate about Commuters
1. The people who push you out of the way to get on the train.
2. The people who stand at the door so nobody can get on/off without navigating around them.
3. The people who crank up their MP3 players so that everybody can hear their music.
4. The people who pick their nails, clear their throats incessantly, pick their face (no joke), clip their nails, put on their makeup (we're not just talking lipstick, but he entire face), snore, or any other unbelievably annoying habit that should only be done in private.
5. The people who have to stand on the train because there's no seats left, but instead think that it's okay to lean their ass against the back of your chair such that their ass is at your face level (I kid you not).
6. The people who read their newspaper and then throw it on the floor when they're done.
7. The people who cut right in front of you and then stand there when you're waiting on the platform.
8. The people who don't stand on the right when going up/down the escalator so that those of us who like to keep moving cannot walk up or down! (And don't tell me to take the damn stairs - just fucking move over.)
9. The people who don't wait for the passengers to exit before they board the train.
And finally .....
10. The people who are unaware that their bags or knapsack is actually knocking people out as they walk by because they are totally unaware of their surroundings.


Blogger Sally T. said...

God, I love living in Regina where I can get anywhere I need to in no more than 15 minutes. In my own car.

If I had to watch someone pick their face every morning, I'd have to be committed.

11:18 pm


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