30 October 2006

Poor Me ......
The last couple of postings were not me at my finest. I am going to blame most of it on the weather (lack of sunshine, SAD) because the sun was shining all day today and it just makes me feel better inside. I usually don't like to focus on what is missing from my life (ie. the whole loneliness posting) and I can only take the self-pity for so long.

Do you get the November blahs? Maybe it's hitting me early this year. I know that the February blahs are a documented phenomenon, but I think that November is a crappy month as well. So, to raise my spirits here is a list of 20 things that make me happy:
1. chocolate (especially European chocolate)
2. children's laughter (especially my kids')
3. a great-fitting pair of jeans - the kind that makes your ass look great from every angle
4. electric blankets
5. good hair days
6. decorating the Christmas tree with E and B
7. a good book/movie/CD
8. my bed
9. did I mention chocolate?
10. the high I get from spinning
11. finding money in my pocket when I'm not expecting it
12. summer vacation
13. rapini and garlic
14. a hug from B
15. my morning coffee
16. when people remember my birthday (March 7th btw ...)
17. massages
18. my tattoo
19. when a man opens the car door for me
20. getting a postcard in the mail

(Happy Birthday J !!!!)


Blogger Sally T. said...

That perfect pair of jeans doesn't exist for me. My ass looks bad in everything! Except maybe my kung fu pants because they're baggy in the crotch for mobility.

11:12 pm


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