26 October 2006

Dud Central
If I have to go out on another dud of a date with a dud of a guy .... somebody please shoot me. Okay, perhaps that's not quite fair - most of the guys that I have had dates with have been nice people, just not for me. I have come across the odd slime - yes, slime at my age (perhaps one never outgrows it) - but for the most part, these are normal, pleasant people. Nobody has even remotely interested me - is that normal?
I think that I am a catch - smart, funny, look good for my age, independent - and then I look at what the guys that I have been interested in eventually fall for. Insecure, clingy, dependent women who they end up fighting with all the time. BUT I lose out to them because they don't have children. It's easier to date them. Not fair. Or I lose out to the women who (how shall I put this nicely) "put it out there". Although come to think of it, I would never want to be that woman and have sex be the only thing that a man is interested in me for.
If I hear one more guy tell me that the woman that they're with is "okay for now" I am going to scream. Because buster - I am so much more than okay.


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