24 October 2006

Mama Mia Pizzaria
I've been feeling way down in the dumps lately. I started my new job, I have to travel for the other job, so I'm exhausted on top of poopy. Not pretty. Yesterday I came home from 8 hours of work, and 3 hours of commuting and B informs me that we HAVE TO make a pizza entirely out of candy for his french class. For tomorrow. Shite.
So I end up spending my evening baking an angel food cake "pizza", running to the grocery store to buy the candy "toppings", and then putting the damn pizza together. Oh, did I mention that the pizza had to have at least 10 toppings? We got creative - red icing for the sauce, coconut for the cheese, gummy fish for anchovies, green jujubes for green pepper - you get the picture. By the end of all this I was ready to snap (and almost did at B, poor thing).
When I came home tonight, B was so excited because everybody LOVED his pizza (most popular one so far thank you very much) and his french teacher gave him 91% on the pizza and the speech that he gave about it. Yes.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Mother of the Year Award. Hands-down, girl...you rock!

I SO want to make that pizza now because it sounds so good. Maybe I should eat some breakfast?

And shite is totally what I would have said (er, screamed).

11:19 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud of you and hope you had fun making the Pizza with B.
It's WAY more important than work -as you know!
Love ya.

3:24 pm


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