15 October 2006

Our Obsession with Youth
I was flipping through a few magazines yesterday, and they were filled with advertisements for special creams, line erasers, line plumpers, you name it - all aimed at helping women to look younger. I can't believe the number of products that are on the market to supposedly help women to regain their youthful appearance. Why are we constantly feeding on our insecurities instead of celebrating our differences and flaws? While I may look back at my pictures from when I was younger and more beautiful, I wouldn't want to be the person that I was in my 20's. I like to think that it was all those tough moments in my life - the ones that really tested my strength - that have made me the more peaceful person that I am today. Surely I'm allowed a few wrinkles and scars to get to this point?
I think that one of the reasons that I loved Paris so much was the fact that the men there really appreciated and adored older women. I received a lot of attention from the men in that city, and yes I'm not that naive to note the fact that I was by myself and hence a perfect target for attention. But seriously - there didn't seem to be the focus on young, and skinny, and flawless like there is here. I know some guys my age (or older) who refuse to date women their own age - they won't even consider a woman who isn't at least 10 years younger. They are missing out on some really interesting people if you ask me.
I think that we should focus more on how youthful we feel, not how youthful we look. If you consider youth that way, then I will be forever young.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Well, you really do look the same as you did when you were 20...more beautiful even.

I wish I felt more youthful but my freakin' back is killing me from Saturday's kung fu workout! I guess I should celebrate that I'm 40 and still DOING kung fu...yeah, that's what I'm celebratin'!

4:23 pm

Blogger Nat said...

Yes, in France its all about the face--French men adore Canadian women. I know this from experience. They are very interested to flirt with us.

I agree with you Marta. There's too much exposure on staying young.

Suzanne Somers says she's replacing her primary hormones for the younger look. She's sixty! I saw her recently on Larry King. Good for her but now other women must follow. Now, they are going to play with time, their health, defy gravity and the prolong the aging process?or not! Its more important to me that I feel young, and if I can look young naturally, that's super. If not, oh well. Its an economy. A market. A profit making machine. Sure you have Dove is now demonstrating politically correct marketing programs but how long have they been in the business? A 100 years? or so...They need a market share.

Yes let us be without make up, celebrate the size we are in body and be happy with that within ourselves without the pressure of looking like some super model. :P

7:12 pm


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