24 November 2006

Man-child part 2
The other night my son told me that he's had his first make-out session with a girl. Apparently it wasn't with somebody that he particularly likes, she just happened to be there and willing to suck face with him. AND to top it off, this occurred at a friends house where alcohol was consumed prior to the sucking face. What is with my kid and Jack Daniels I will never know. Anyhow, he said it was fun and could really get used to finding girls to do that with. If he turns into a slut then I will kill him.

What made me laugh about this incident is that the friend's mother caught them drinking and sucking face. I suppose that her daughter vomiting in the toilet was a dead giveaway. Anyhow, she made E walk a straight line because he was trying to convince her that he wasn't "that drunk". Needless to say, he failed the test. She gave them a lecture about under-age drinking and then left it up to the kids to tell their parents. I still can't believe that I have raised a child who feels comfortable enough to tell me these things. E says it helps that I've told him some stories from my highschool days - so far his few drunken binges pale in comparison to the fun I had in highschool.

Stay tuned for some more stories ..... he's going to a party tonight.


Blogger Sally T. said...

I'm putting a hex on my kids so they don't turn into teenagers! I already can't handle it. I don't even let them bike ride without watching out the front window!

Remember that time when you got a little tipsy and Richard babysat you the whole night? Don't tell E. that story :)

6:31 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I didn't have the pleasure of knowing you in high school. I don't think E can turn into a slut with your influence around. It's absolutely awesome he can tell you that stuff. I hope my kids feel that comfortable...

He may feel differently about Jack if he overindulges and gets the hangover from hell, not that I recommend you have him try it!

9:59 am


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