21 November 2006

Stupid White Men
Have you heard of the book by Michael Moore called Stupid White Men? Well, I've decided to compile my own list of stupid white men:
1. Tom Cruise - do I really need to explain?
2. George "Dubwa" Bush - I don't think that this world has seen a dumber "leader"
3. Mr. Clean - anybody who matches their hair to their clothes everyday is dumb
4. Stephen Harper - what a knob
5. Conrad Black - the lesson today kids is that greed is a sin
6. OJ Simpson - he might be stupid, and if he were stupid, here's how he would have done it .....
7. Homer Simpson - doh!
8. Ozzy Osbourne - wa duhdo humbe mumble mumble mumble
9. Kevin Federline (aka K-Fed/Fed-Ex) - did he really think that he was talented beyond the fact that his sperm can swim?
10. All those guys who actually believe that "real women" look like the chicks you see in the magazines

And to keep things fair, a list of stupid white women:
1. Britney Spears - see #9 above
2. Rona Ambrose - that's what you get for having a knob for a boss
3. Pamela Anderson - silicone boobs, silicone brain, silicone house, silicone kids .....
4. The Bachelor babes - and anyone who watches that show and takes it seriously for that matter ....
5. Karla Homolka - no explanation required
6. Paris Hilton - shut up and eat something
7. the Desperate Housewives - oh so very dumb
8. Cinderella - Prince Charming doesn't exist (or he's gay) and your shoes are tres uncomfortable
9. Victoria "Posh" Beckham - stop posing and eat something!
10. All those women who actually believe that he's going to change (all you have to do is try really really hard)

Geez - this was fun. With thanks to my ever-humourous son who googles dumb celebrities for fun.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dude, you take back Ozzy Osborne right now. Sure, he's a pale mockery of a man now, but the dude sang fucking "Paranoid", for Chrissakes. He hardly deserves to be in the same league as Fed-Ex.

Oh, and Homer Simpson is God.

11:14 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

9. AKA Fed Ex.

And hey...I watch The Bachelor because I just need a good laugh sometimes. It makes me thank my Creator that I'm not like those idiots!

Oh, and I like Ozzy, too

2:10 pm

Blogger Marta said...

It's nothing against the dear man because I happen to like Ozzy as well. But come on - he's stupid. And yes, I realize that Homer is God to many men out there.

Nothing wrong with watching the idiots Sally .....

6:44 am


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