15 November 2006

Oh my Quad!
It's official - I am getting old. The body just isn't what it used to be. I did a spinning class last night and nearly killed myself. We did this particularly hard drill that had my quads screaming for mercy. You know it's going to be bad when you feel the afterburn in your muscles on the same day that you exercise - usually it takes a day or 2 to appear, but not last night. I could barely bend my legs enough to sit on the toilet! I'm pretty sure that today my walk resembled that of a person with something very large and uncomfortable shoved up their ..... well, you get the picture.

I am fighting this age inconvenience with everything that I got. I exercise more than I did in my 20's, and my skin care regimen is intense. Next on the list - perhaps a little lipo, or a tummy tuck? Go ahead - call me vain. My skin doctor (yes, I have a skin doctor) has even planted the Botox-bug in my head ..... apparently everybody is doing it, at least everybody at her office does it and man they look good! Lots of options at any rate.

In the meantime, could you pass the Rub A535?


Blogger Sally T. said...

Invest in a Magic Bag, girl! 4 minutes in the microwave and it's heaven.

Oh, a big bottle of Motrin helps, too. I laughed about the toilet thing...SO been there! 20 minutes of stance training at kung fu and I can't walk for 3 days.

12:27 pm


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