3 December 2006

Random thoughts
Geez, a whole week without my insightful (read opinionated) entries! I was reading the news today and my gosh, this world is crazy! Russian spies poisoned by radiation, a woman who killed her baby by microwaving it, 5-foot high floods in Hamilton from the wicked storm a few days ago, polygamy ...... I truly believe that the natural state of this world is chaos. It will be a miracle if this Christmas season doesn't kill me. Between working 2 jobs (add the commute in and I've got 14+ hour days), my mother in the hospital, and awaiting my surgery I'm feeling quite loonie. (Latest update on my surgery: I was given a date in January but unfortunately it coincided with when I will be in Halifax!) I am sooooo looking forward to some time off!


Blogger Unknown said...

After 9/11, I assumed the world was entering into some sort of era of supervillany, where mad scientists would try to control the earth's magnetic field from the safety of their cloaked asteroid orbiting Jupiter or something. But recently, it would appear that the world has actually turned into a bad spy novel.

7:16 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

I agree...it's crazy out there!

M.'s sister-in-law found a lump last week and she's going in next Tuesday for a lumpectomy. His sister has had breast cancer twice!

I hope your surgery works out well...I'm cheerin' for you, girl!

10:11 am


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