30 December 2006

Only 1 more holiday to dread .....
New Year's. I hate New Year's eve - the hype, the expectations, the pressure. It's just another day to me. Hip hip hooray - no way. My holidays to date:
- severely depressed by my mother's harsh treatment and bitter tongue
- visiting sister who sleeps until noon
- barfy flu for 1 child; fever flu for the other
- fever flu for me
- ate too much (so much so that 2 pairs of jeans do not fit me now)
- exercised too little (hard to do with the flu)
- no snow

Okay, on the bright side:
- no work
- sister seems much much happier now that she is doing something new with her life
- kids are happy despite their respective flus
- went to Niagara Falls for some good cheesey fun
- actually sleeping in past 8am (I didn't think that my body was equipped to do that anymore)
- saw some good movies

My family is crazy - no seriously. When did my father get so odd and senile? Why does my mother hate everything about me? I would love to have one of those close families who actually enjoy spending time together - do they actually exist outside of the movies? I love spending time with my kids .... do you think that they'll feel like spending time with me when they're older? I hope so. I definitely have a very different relationship with them than I did with my parents. We talk, we joke around, we discuss the world, we even mix martinis together - B is going to be quite the bartender one day, and E thinks it's cool that I'll let him have a drink (albeit a small one). Families .... sigh.


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