3 January 2007

The early bird gets the worm, but who wants a worm?
It's official - I am NOT a morning person. This week I have been trying to get back to my routine which means up at 5:30am again, and I'm failing miserably. Yesterday it was lack of sleep and feeling like crap on account of this flu/throat thing that I have that kept me in bed past my alarm (thank goodness for the flexibility of working from home some days!), and today the throat thing had me pushing snooze a few times which means a later train. There has got to be a better way of getting my butt moving in the morning - any ideas? And I'm not one of those people who can get up early to exercise or meditate to get my body going - does anybody actually do that? Besides those hard-body freaks on the morning exercise shows, who actually enjoys getting out of bed when every cell in your body is screaming for more rest?

Time check - 6:38am - shite. Gotta run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just look at the clock, say "shit!" and force the feet to the floor and into a toasty shower as fast as possible. After that the eyes open enough to finish the beauty routine and make the caffeine. If I was smart and motivated, things lacking at bedtime, I'd set the coffee maker on timer then it'd be fresh and ready when I emerge from the bathroom!

11:51 pm


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