28 January 2007

Losing my religion
Reading the newspaper this weekend was depressing. So much violence and killing around the world. Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia ..... terrorist plots, suicide bombers .... the list goes on. What a crazy fucking world we live in. And the basis of all this hatred and intolerance is religion. I really don't understand this. Religion is supposed to preach love and acceptance, yet it is the basis for most of the brutality encountered in this world. History has shown us that time and time again man will act violently to "defend" his religion and to "force" his religion on others. What kind of person does it take to become fundamental, whether it be Christianity or Islam or Catholic? They must be very lost souls that have to turn to something and allow it to become all-consuming. I see no difference between an anorexic and a religious maniac - they both have been consumed by their beliefs, punishment is at the core of their daily lives, and they don't think properly. Anorexia is now classified as a mental illness ..... do you think that will ever happen to a religious zealot?

I suppose that a lot of these individuals have nothing else to count on in this world. When you're deprived of some of the basic necessities in life, like food, shelter, or water, then you must figure that you have nothing to lose. Here's some guy offering you a community of people and telling you that your life would be so much better if only we could do away with these other people who look and think differently than us and worship another God. In my experience, the most judgmental people that I have met have been the religious fanatics. Look at me - I'm a good Christian because I go to church. I may be fucking my neighbour's wife, but I go to church. I may be beating my children, but I go to church.

When did we become so misguided????


Blogger Sally T. said...

Yes, yes and yes.

We've become blameless; we're not responsible for our actions anymore because we're all sinners (it's not our fault) and we'll be forgiven for anything. We just have to pray.

You can believe anything you want, as long as it matches my belief system.

Most religion just takes away a thinking person's reasoning abilities and deposits them in a bucket of blind faith.

10:06 am

Blogger sassy girl said...

I love this blog! It sums up exactly how I feel about religion. I don't know many religious zealots, but the few I do know are the most unforgiving and intolerant of my acquaintance. Rather odd considering that Jesus was supposedly the most tolerant, forgiving and peaceful person in history... but what do I know, I'm just an atheist.

11:06 am


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