8 June 2007

Adventures in Paris, Part Un

This year I got to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Every hour, there are thousands of LED lights on the tower that twinkle and make it look like a giant champagne glass or something (of course, Parisians feel that this is making a travesty of their beloved monument!). Anyhow, K and I were standing in line and we had quite a wait - about 40 minutes just to get to the ticket booth, and then another 5 to get onto the elevator. And wouldn't you know it, that there's always people who will try to bud in. And me being the enforcer of fair that I am, tend to say things to people like this. So there were these young punks who bought their tickets and then felt that they would bud in, and when I kindly told them where the end of the line was they felt that I could basically go fuck myself* because they were entitled to bud. The people around me agreed that they should go to the end of the line, but they were cocky enough to do what they wanted. (*my choice of words - the f-bomb was not hurled at me during this encounter, or at least I didn't hear it hurled my way as I'm sure that it was said under their breath)

Everywhere we went, we ran into people like that. And while I hate to bring culture into this, it seemed that the budders, pushers, and line-jumpers were either Asian or Spanish. Pushy, pushy people. Is it because they come from such over-populated cities and countries that manners don't matter in their day to day navigation? Or are Canadians just "too polite"?

Paris was busy. We had to line up for everything. Most of it was in the pouring rain. I have issues with people who don't exhibit common courtesies towards others.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Me, too! Where are people's freaking manners?

7:40 pm


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