11 June 2007


Today was a crappy day at work - I got caught up in some stupid politics and I don't know how to play the game. I don't want to play the game. The hospital that I am currently working at is affiliated with a BIG university in Toronto (guess which one) and the other cancer clinical site is part of this affiliation as well. They are complete morons over there. They refuse to be flexible (unless you wave some cash under their nose) and they don't treat our students very well. They pull out of promises that they made just to hold things as leverage for a while so that they can pout and stomp their feet, knowing full well that they will give in in the end. Just fun to make us sweat a bit first and send the message that they're not happy. How juvenile.

The thing that irks me the most is that I used to share an office with the person who is making all of these decisions now and who is now being a complete ass. This person used to be so supportive of our education program and our students! Apparently the political head-butting that is occuring between the 2 clinical sites is astounding. To me, there should be no politics in health care. We're supposed to be in this profession because we are compassionate and understanding people. Throw somebody a salary over $100,000 and watch their leadership warp and tumble.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marta, please don't ever learn to play that game. You're not built for it, and while you shouldn't have to referee it either, the program needs people like you to help it maintain some modicum of integrity. Don't think you're not making a difference!

8:57 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

Yes, I agree...stick with the fight because the morons have to answer to the laws of karma. I have 2 sisters-in-law and an ex-mother-in-law battling serious cancers right now and it's nice to know someone, anyone in the health care system is fighting for their health (on some level).

2:44 pm


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