20 July 2007

What I love (this week's version)

I love living where I do because I can hop on my bike and in 2 minutes I'm riding in the country or through the forest. This morning I saw a deer when I was riding, and I got really muddy from the trails. I love that!
I love the peace and quiet that comes when my children are away. I need that sometimes. Fewer responsibilities.
I love it when my boys have a birthday (B's is on Monday), because it makes me realize that another year has gone by and I've done a great job raising them to be healthy and happy.
I love fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table.
I love a good laugh with my girlfriends. Especially if we're laughing at a raunchy story.
I love the sound of waves. I had lunch down at the harbour today and the waves were hitting the docks - it reminded me of my childhood summers at the cottage.
I love it when you're almost at the end of a really good book. The part where the entire story is coming together and starting to reveal the ending.
I love it when somebody cooks for me.
I love getting long emails from C. He always has something interesting and meaningful to say.
I love long talks with my friends. And I love that they feel that they can open up to me.
I love reading Sally's blog. And I love it when people comment on mine.
I love that the weekend is just beginning .....


Blogger sassy girl said...


5:00 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

And I loved your blog today (although I enjoy it every day).

I think you'll have to make this a weekly blog, my beautiful friend.

6:41 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - and I love reading about what makes my friends happy! You're a star - love you!

6:44 pm

Blogger vancouver said...

I love reading your blog and check it regularly. This one put a smile on my face...
I love comments on my blog, too...I just have to write it more often!!!
Have a great weekend!

8:02 pm


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