5 July 2007

The return of cynicism

Bad, negative aura around me lately. I need to find a way to clear it all out. Here's what is bugging me:
- horrible news at work week after week; it's making me re-evaluate my job and it scares me to think that I may quit at any moment, even without having something new to go to
- the friend break-up is hanging over my head
- men are so very hard to figure out and there is a lack of quality out there (update on Flake: still a Flake ... probably always a Flake)
- kids are bugging me; can't deal with needy when other aspects of my life are in shambles
- was looking forward to a friend visiting in July, but that got canceled
- no time or energy to exercise as much as I would like

I don't even know where to start turning things around ...... help.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Does it help knowing other people feel the same way? It helps me to know I'm not alone.

You start with one thing at a time. I went for a run today. One thing just for me.

9:10 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Pick one thing - one you that you have control over - and focus on that. You don't have control over what's going on at work, or over Flakey McFlake, so focus on getting out and exercising, or on a contingency plan for when/if you hit that breaking point at work. The success of that one thing will make the other things easier... right?

12:01 am


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