25 June 2007

By popular demand

Fucktard: (noun) fuk-tard

Defn: A person, usually of the male persuasion, who is completely unaware (or so they say) of the impact that their hurtful actions and/or words has on others. For example:
  1. dating somebody new only to find out months later that they have been sleeping with somebody else - their response to your hurt and anger is feigned disbelief that such an act could really be that big a deal, followed by the classic "I didn't tell you because you didn't ask" line.
  2. the serial dater who tells you what a great time he had and would like to see you again because he really digs you, and then you never hear from again because he really didn't dig you after all but it was easier to say what he did than be honest with you
  3. the father of your child who looks at your stomach following a gruelling c-section and wonders if "your stomach will ever look good again because right now it looks gross"
  4. the ego-maniac ex-husband who freely scatters random womens' underwear around his house for you to find, and then blames the fact that he needs to sleep with other women on you, because you left him
  5. the first love that you have who tells you that "you'll never be that pretty" just to keep you in your place


Blogger Sally T. said...

Yep. I get it. I know some of those, unfortunately. We ALL know some of those.

10:59 am


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