13 June 2007


This is going to be a happy, positive post .... if it kills me. My son, in all his 16-year old coolness, has decided that his hip thing right now is "word of the day". Today it was percolating. It started me thinking about words that I love, such as:
  • tranquil
  • synapse
  • pantheon
  • vacillate
  • quagmire
  • sedation
  • tenacious
  • cappuccino
  • willow
  • serendipity
  • marshmallow

Nope - fucktard didn't make it. Or douchebag. Or synergy. Or capstone. Or any other lame buzzword that I hear all the freaking time at work that drives me crazy and makes me want to scream because people just like to throw around important-sounding words without really thinking about what they're saying! Oops ........


Blogger Sally T. said...

My fave is insouciance. I think Kevin's used to be chowder. But I guess he's allowed to speak for himself.

2:48 pm

Blogger Marta said...

I don't even know how to say that word, let alone know what it means.


8:33 pm


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