17 June 2007

Adventures in Paris part deux

Versailles is like no other place that I've seen. Over the top extravagance. Only a small portion of the palace is open to the public, but it is incredible. I tried to capture a picture of the Hall of Mirrors, but the image didn't do it justice. I can see why the peasants revolted and started the revolution. Watch "Marie Antoinette" if you get a chance because it was filmed in Versailles. I walked the hallways that Marie walked, I saw the bed that she slept in (she gave birth to her first child in this bed - it was a public affair that completely humiliated her), I stood in the chapel where Marie and Louis XVI were married (she was 14 and he was 15), I sat in the opera seats that members of the court sat in ..... all spectacular. The grounds of the palace are amazing as well. There is a huge man-made canal at the back - it's 1.5km from the palace to the end of the canal. Louis and Marie also had their own "cottages" on the property, and it took about 30 minutes to walk to them (the Grand Trianon was Louis' and the Petit Trianon was Marie's).

It's hard to imagine that people actually lived like this - Marie had people to dress her, bathe her - heck somebody probably even wiped her ass when she went to the bathroom (the royal wiper).


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