20 June 2007

The return of Flake

Remember Flake? Go back and read my entry about him somewhere around St. Paddy's Day. I haven't heard from the guy since mid-March, and then presto - an email from him at the end of May. Asking me out. Almost 3 months after the fact.

My first reaction was along the lines of "I don't think so" (make sure that you say that with a lot of attitude). Then I thought .... hmmm .... perhaps this could be fun. Fun to ask Flake why he's so flaky. And to see the process of his thinking on the spot.

So we had a date last night. And you know what? Flake is fun. A bit kooky like me, but interesting. And as my friend J says, he plays the piano and is handy around the house (he renovated his 1880 house all by himself and it's gorgeous!) so at least he's good for rhythm and usefulness. And he comes from this gi-normous family in Hamilton - he's one of 11 children (all the women reading this are feeling stabbing pains in their uterus right now) and has relatives on each freaking corner of the city. So I'm thinking of the social connections that could occur by knowing a guy like this.

Yes, Flake is good. All I have to get him to do is stop being so flaky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great, Marta - go for it! What about stringbean, though?

9:48 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting.... Keep us posted!

9:05 am

Blogger Sally T. said...

Flake could be worse...he could be metrosexual.

10:58 am

Blogger vancouver said...

I love the way you write!!!
Can't judge a book by its cover...give it a try!!!

2:03 am


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