7 May 2007

I've been Tagged by Red!
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Eight Weird/Random (and somewhat personal) Facts About Me:
  1. I constantly play with my hair - constantly. And then I wonder why it's thinned out over the years.
  2. My dream house has a wrap-around porch.
  3. I always pictured having the kids without the men sticking around (and made this prophecy come true).
  4. I am painfully shy. It's often mistaken for being a bitch or a snob.
  5. I have a wicked crush on a male friend, but would never tell him so.
  6. I have suffered from panic attacks and depression since I was a teenager. I hide it well, but it has almost ruined my life a few times.
  7. About 5 years ago I walked by a distraught homeless teenager who was crying because she was so hungry. I didn't stop to help and I'm still haunted by that.
  8. Clutter makes me anxious. I can't have "stuff" lying around in my house because it's sensory overload for me.

Who to tag?

  1. Tara
  2. Karen
  3. Caitlin (when she returns from Europe)
  4. Nathalie
  5. Deb (yes you Vancouver!)
  6. Cam (are you still there?)
  7. Nancy
  8. anybody else who actually reads this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the computer illiterate one - How does one BLOG??
Can I just respond to yours?

10:23 am

Blogger Marta said...

Yes of course - no blogging required. Just post your response here in the comments.

2:53 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

When I was in university, I was grocery shopping and held the door open for an elderly woman. As she passed me, I realized it was my favourite cookbook author (Edna Staebler). I was so stunned I said nothing. She died last year and now I'll never get to tell her how much she inspired me.

I made a decision then and there to always speak my mind and to talk to people I want to talk to. And I do.

Loved your 8!

3:45 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - 8 random facts huh???

1. I have OCD - obsess about much and do weird counting things in my head!
2. I am in a complete panic right now about the health of fetus - and number of fetus(s) (will have ansers tomorrow)
3. My dream house is yellow and has a wrap around porch as well.
4. I currently dislike my job and am trying to figure out what I could do to rectify that!

I'll do 4 more later - at work and phone ringing....

1:33 pm


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