26 April 2007

I was listening to "The Edge" on the radio this morning on my way to the doctor's office, and the DJs were talking to the craziest woman - it was scary. She was one of those bible-thumping fanatics from butt-fuck USA (Kansas) .... you know the ones that spew hatred and are intolerant of anybody who isn't white and bible-toting. She has 11 kids, and goes to many rallies to make her hatred known to others (of course, she doesn't see it as such - apparently God hates all people who do not believe). The DJs tracked her down and called her because they saw a picture somewhere and her 5 year old son was holding a sign that said "God hates fags". I kid you not.

The DJs were kind of being real dinks about the situation (who can blame them) and were making all sorts of wise-cracks related to sex, but it truly is frightening to think about millions more like her roaming this earth. The religious fanatics are so scary - I personally think that they're all mentally ill. And it's hard having compassion and trying to understand where they are coming from.

And here I thought that God stood for love thy fellow man; judge not for then He will judge you; do unto others as you would like them to do unto you ........ etc. Apparently I've got it all wrong from what I heard this morning.

No wonder our world is going to hell with idiots like this around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so agree. And the saddest thing is that you'll barely be able to blame the 5-year old when he has those extreme beliefs and hatred in 20 years, having had them so engrained in him by those he should be able to look up to. Ridiculous!

8:58 pm


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