15 April 2007

Breaking the addiction
M. King Hubbert was a geophysicist for Shell Oil. Back in 1956 he came up with what is now known as the Hubbert Peak Theory, more commonly referred to as Peak Oil. The theory is based on the fundamental fact that oil reserves are finite (finite - not infinite). The rate of petroleum production follows a bell-curve - a steep incline due to new reserves being discovered, a peak, and then a decline as the oil reserves are depleted. The controversy of the theory is whether it's ability to predict the peak is accurate.

Hubbert predicted that peak oil production would occur in the US around 1965-1970. It peaked in 1970. Hubbert predicted a global peak around 2006. Here's the scary part - peak oil discovery peaked in 1965. Peak oil production has probably occurred already, some suggest it happened in 2004, some say 2005.

Why is our society still believing that we have an endless supply of oil? We need to transform our thinking NOW. It won't be easy to change our ways - it requires a change to our lifestyle and to our society's infrastructure. Perhaps Hubbert was off on his predictions, but the fact still remains that oil reserves are not endless - the question is not will oil production peak, but when will it peak? Our economy needs to change to one that no longer relies on the supply of cheap oil.

On a personal note - I am amazed that there are still people out there who argue that global warming doesn't exist. And I cannot believe the number of new SUV's that I'm seeing on the road. People who, no doubt, want to avoid the new "luxury" tax that will be in effect soon for those who choose to buy gas guzzling vehicles. Luxury tax! What a misnomer - here's my suggestions for the tax:
  • Dumb-ass tax
  • Stupidity tax
  • FU Mother Nature tax
  • Keeping up with the Jones' tax
  • Big car, small brain tax
  • It's all about me tax

You get the picture.


Blogger Sally T. said...

And taxes for geezers who drive diagonally in parking lots.

11:18 am


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