3 April 2007

A Sad Story
This morning I wasn't feeling well - I have a wicked sinus cold. I vacillated between calling in sick to work and actually going to work. I finally decided that I would take the later VIA train. Wrong choice.

The train that I was on hit and killed a pedestrian. I heard a person being pulverized beneath the wheels of my train car. Apparently by the time a person has been hit by the engine, and then bounced under the remaining wheels of the train cars, there isn't much left that resembles a human body. I don't know whether this was an accident (like somebody walking on the tracks who didn't hear the train coming) or whether it was a suicide. I was stuck on the train for about 3 hours while the coroner came and investigated and then released the train. The engineers were replaced as well so that they could be whisked away to counselling. I can't even imagine how they feel, but I reckon that it's pretty horrible. Our train then had to go through the VIA train yard so that we could wash the blood and guts off.

I've been delayed before because of fatalities like this, but I've never been on the actual train who has hit somebody. The more the day wore on, the more it sank in and is affecting me. I can't help but imagine who this person was. A teenager who made the bad decision to listen to his iPod while he took a short-cut to school? Or somebody in the darkest of despair who wanted to end his/her life in a violent way? I'll never know.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Jeesh, Marta...that's awful.

Not that the morning commute wasn't dismal enough.

12:41 am


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