22 March 2007

My new Boyfriend

On Tuesday, my sister and I went to a taping of The Hour. I am even more in love with George S (please don't make me spell it .....) and I can tell that he digs me as well. He couldn't take his eyes off me during the taping - so what if the teleprompter was right behind my head. And I was one of only 4 lucky individuals that got a t-shirt at the end of the show - so what if my sister had to point out the fact that I had a genius IQ which he felt was deserving of some clothing. He couldn't wait to get a picture taken with me - he went straight for the arm around the waist and I think that I heard him whisper "I want you" in my ear. I will post the picture as soon as I download it from my camera.

Okay, seriously - I am not demented nor delusional (well, maybe just a bit). I had fun. George was very interesting and so high energy. The ADD nature of the program could have something to do with the fact that he is hooked on Energy drinks. He tells a good story - he likes the sound of his own voice; that comes across quite clearly - but I can forgive that in someone that is funny and interesting. The guest on his show was the director of the documentary Sharkwater which is opening tomorrow. Looks awesome! (And this guy was hot, hot, hot - see picture.)

I am definitely going to go back to see another taping. I'll keep going until they label me a stalker and put me on the "call security if you see this person" list.


Blogger Sally T. said...

DO it!

If you like him, keep going and keep wishing for something to happen. It will!

So cool...can't wait to see the photo!

11:23 am

Blogger Marta said...

If only my life was as good as the one that I picture inside my head .....

10:09 am


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