8 March 2007

Big case of the Blahs
Post-birthday blues? Winter yucks? Who knows - but a severe shortage of energy has been slowly building this week. I hope that it doesn't mean that the little piece of thyroid that is left in my neck isn't working (and I'll need to take medication for the rest of my life) because that would suck. I have my post-surgery follow up tomorrow so it's a big day. Hopefully I can convince the surgeon that I need at least another 3 weeks off work .... 3 months, heck 3 years, would be ideal but I'll settle for another 3 weeks for now. And please, oh please, no further surgery required!

My sister arrived yesterday for a visit and she is doing her usual sleep in. Even the smell of fresh-brewed coffee cannot rouse her. I also went out with my fellow invalid co-worker for some cheesecake yesterday ..... she's the one who had a tumour removed from her spine at the beginning of February (benign, thank goodness!). We were quite the pair of sore-necks eating our cheesecake and swapping hospital/doctor horror stories. The healthcare system in Canada sucks! You'd think that if you work in this setting that you would be a compassionate person, but I've met too many people from secretaries to surgeons who have shitty people skills.

A big thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes, flowers, cards, cupcakes, etc. You made my day less traumatic!!!!!!


Blogger Sally T. said...

Cheesecake somehow makes things seem a little less shitty (or is it just me and my migrainine talking?).

12:31 pm

Blogger vancouver said...

Well, happy birthday. I had my 40th in January, so you have some company...but I missed the cheesecake.

2:00 am


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