4 March 2007

Manchild goes on vacation
Manchild is off on his first trip sans parental units. On Friday he left with about 100 other pimple-faced band members for a cruise to the Bahamas where they will be playing in a music festival. Nice, huh? When I was in highschool the best trip that we had was to Quebec to go skiing. Manchild gets 5 days in Florida (mainly Miami and Walt Disney World) and 5 days on a cruise to Naussau and Key West. It took us a year and a half to pay for the trip (yes, manchild paid for just over a 1/3 of the cost), and boy was he excited!

Manchild doesn't necessarily like any of the males in the band, but a few of his close female friends are on the trip with him. I didn't think anything of it until my friend T pointed out that he's going to have sex on this trip. What?!?!? Not manchild! There are chaperones - how can an inexperienced teenager possibly find the gumption to have sex under the watchful eyes of adults? I can't see it happening ...... or maybe I just don't want to believe that it will happen. I realize that he's getting to an age where it's going to happen sooner or later. I'm just hoping that it's later .......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry if I put a horrible image in your mind girl!!

12:55 pm


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