18 February 2007

If you were Prime Minister .....

Last night I went to see David Suzuki at Hamilton Place on his "If you were Prime Minister" tour. What an intelligent and inspirational man. And a terrifice speaker! The purpose of the evening was to bring attention to global warming and the impact of our collective footprints on this earth. The message was clear - if we don't do something NOW then we are setting up future generations for devastation and loss. We have surpassed the point of sustainability on this earth. I strongly encourage you to go and see him speak while he's on his cross-Canada tour.
I also encourage you to check out his website www.davidsuzuki.org and sign up for the Nature Challenge. He lists 10 steps that we can do to help with global warming, and all that he asks is that you commit yourself to 3 in the next year. I was happy to see that I'm already doing 7 of them.
Say what you want about the Chretien government, but at least he was on track with the Kyoto Protocol. Now we have a government whose only concern is to get re-elected. Sure Harper may give in to environmental issues, but his sole purpose is to look good to the voters - he doesn't actually believe in saving the environment which, in my eyes, makes him one shitty leader. I never could stand people who do things that go against what they believe just to look good to others - only one word for that .... weak.
The great part about last night is that my son E actually listened to me and became curious enough to know what Suzuki was all about that he made his dad and step-mom take him. He's talking more and more about being a politician one day, and for anyone who knows him - he would make an outstanding leader. Strong with good values and compassion. Let's hope that our kids kick our collective asses for screwing up so badly and put us back on course.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Hey Marta,
good luck with your surgery...we'll be thinking about you and sending good wishes through the universe!

1:28 pm

Blogger Tuco said...

I was at a little meeting recently where a woman almost leapt out of her skin to say that the recent U.N. report on global warming was hogwash, and that she wasn't a climate change believer. I almost wanted to belt her.
Thank God Suzuki and Gore and the others are out there bringing attention to all this.

11:58 am


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