16 February 2007

War of the Roses

I read an article in the paper this morning about a divorcing couple in NYC who have built a wall down the middle of their house because both parties refuse to move out. A judge actually ruled that the wall must go up if both Mr and Mrs Taub wanted to stay in the house. An entire page of the paper was devoted to a series of "he said she said" unjustices that the two parties have committed. She claims emotional and physical abuse - he would wake her in the middle of the night demanding that she put his socks on so that he could go visit his mistress; he claims that she dumped him when he had to declare bankruptcy and could no longer pay for her face-lifts and expensive cars.
Oh my gosh - these are grown ups acting like idiots! Get a grip, get a life, suck it up, and move on! I am amazed at how consumed by hatred some people can become - having been through legal proceedings that have taken years to complete, I know. Imagine what this "couple" is teaching their 4 grown children. Why is it that when people split up, they actually think that they are entitled to live the lifestyle that they have been accumstomed to? When I split from somebody, I don't want anything from them. Help the children financially, but other than that I'm fine thank you.
I wonder if Mr and Mrs Taub realize how ridiculous they look. Probably not. Each one is so convinced that they are in the right and have been wronged by the other party. Here's the one thing that I have learnt about life - it ain't fair. If somebody does you wrong, they are more than likely NOT going to apologize. Bad things happen to good people. I have been the recipient of both emotional and physical abuse from a partner, and to this day I know that this individual would never admit to the things that he did because I think that he has to believe that he doesn't possess that kind of cruelty.
Imagine what the world would be like if we said "I'm sorry" on a regular basis. And if we realized that being self-sufficient is one of the most liberating feelings that you can ever have.


Blogger Sally T. said...

I know.

People have a hard time believing that I spent Christmas break skiing with my ex-husband, my current partner and my kids. That's the way things SHOULD be! Adults acting like adults, not babies, and modelling good behavior for their kids.

10:58 pm


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