6 February 2007

Manchild goes to a party ......
Last week was exam week for manchild. One day he calls me at work to ask if he can go to a party in the evening, and could I please hurry home from work. I get home to find him ready to rock with some new guy friend waiting for him - this kid looks like the kind of kid who is going to be trouble .... charming with the parents though (the worst kind if you ask me - think Eddie Haskill). Anyhow, I give manchild the usual hard time about is there going to be drinking, are the parents home, what time will he be home (midnight) etc. and he TOTALLY lies to me. Like I'm stupid and don't know. Anyhow, I let it go and off he goes. Around 9pm he's back - with a girl. So much for the party. I ask him what happened - apparently the party got out of hand and he didn't like the scene, so he left with his female "friend". When asked what happened to his buddy, he replied that he was last seen with "some nasties" (aka skanky girls) walking to the park. And as manchild is talking to me, the scent from the cinnamon gum that he is chewing is knocking me over - manchild never chews gum.

Honest - I wasn't drinking mom. Manchild - I'm not stupid.


Blogger Sally T. said...

Oh god oh god oh god oh god...

Please tell me my kids will NEVER be teenagers!

10:01 am

Blogger Marta said...

They will. And they're going to grow hair in funny places, and get smelly, and start caring about their hair and their clothes, and roll their eyes at you ..... But he's still a nice kid who does well in school and tells me that he loves me. It's kinda fun to tell you truth.

7:34 pm


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