28 February 2007

Pinched and edited from Sal's blog - the colours of me:

  1. Closest red thing to you? my ugly neck scar
  2. Last thing to make you angry? the army of gas-guzzling SUVs parked outside the coffee shop this morning
  3. Do you have a temper? mostly suppressed, but oh dear yes!
  4. Are you a fan of romance? yes, but not the delusional prince charming you complete me kind of bullshit that women think will change their life
  5. Do you have anything against redheaded people? why would I?
  1. Closest orange thing to you? not a widespread colour in my house ....
  2. Do you like to burn things? yes - fire is mesmerizing
  3. Dress up for Halloween? please - no. adults who dress up for Halloween kind of scare me
  4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? very warm to those close to me - can be reserved with everybody else
  5. Are you usually full of energy? anything is possible after caffeine
  1. Closest yellow thing to you? my knickers
  2. The happiest time[s] of your life? most of highschool, university, vacationing with the boys, Europe, when I'm not working
  3. Favorite holiday? probably Christmas
  4. Are you a coward? Naw - while I have moments of fear holding me back, I'm not afraid of making difficult decisions and living my life to the fullest
  5. Do you burn or tan? burn, freckle, tan, wrinkle (in that order)
  1. Closest green thing to you? the carpet
  2. Do you care about the enviroment? yes - everybody should!
  3. Are you a lucky person? not really, but life is all about choices and I've made some bad ones (read with tiny violin playing in the background)
  4. Do you like being outdoors? LOVE the outdoors - one of the reasons why I moved back to my hometown
  5. Are you Irish? no, but I like beer
  1. Closest blue thing to you? my eyes
  2. Are you good at calming people down? so I've been told
  3. Do you like the sea? slightly terrified of it, but I'm drawn to the water (must be the Pisces in me)
  4. What was the last thing that made you cry? when I choked on a taco (don't laugh!)
  5. Are you a logical thinker? usually - need to always understand the "why" to things
  1. Closest purple thing to you? the bruising on my neck
  2. Like being treated to expensive things? food - yes; pampering (massages, facials, etc) - yes; holidays - yes; other than that, there's nothing better than a good deal!
  3. Do you like mysterious things? ooooh, yes - and I've been told that I'm very mysterious myself ...
  4. Ever met anyone in royalty? well, no - but I was at Windsor Castle when the queen was there and saw the guards with their machine guns
  5. Are you creative? not a creative gene in my DNA, but I like to pretend otherwise
  1. Closest pink thing to you? flowers
  2. Do you like sweet things? I could exist entirely on caramel
  3. Like play-fighting? not so much (and why is this pink?)
  4. Are you sensitive? WAY too much - one of my downfalls
  5. Do you like music? there is always a song in my head (and in my heart - gag)
  1. Closest white thing to you? the mountains of snow outside
  2. Would you say you’re innocent? naive, but never innocent
  3. Are you good at keeping the peace? I avoid conflict, but I've been known to stir up some trouble every now and then
  4. How do you imagine your wedding? I don't
  5. Do you like to play in the snow? yup
  1. Closest black thing to you? my sweater
  2. Ever enjoy hurting people? what? no way!
  3. Are you sophisticated or silly? classy and crazy
  4. Would you like to go to space? oooh - ya! beam me up scottie!
  5. Do you have a lot of secrets? LOTS of secrets .... and skeletons in my closet


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