17 March 2007

Happy St. Paddy's!

Why we love the Irish:
  • U2
  • Colin Farrell (so he's a bad boy .... we love him anyway, or we love him because of it)
  • Guinness
  • their wicked cool accents
  • Cillian Murphy (so he plays deranged killers in movies .... he's still hot!)
  • The Irish Rovers (good cheese)
  • Lucky Charms (OK, technically not Irish but we love the leprechaun who says "They're after me Lucky Charms!)
  • Dublin
  • The Pogues
  • Trinity College (beautiful, beautiful university)
  • George Bernard Shaw (famous Dublin playwright)
  • Irish Spring soap
  • Bram Stoker
  • we get to drink green beer once a year! (remember drinking green beer in the Bombshelter Sal?)


Blogger vancouver said...

I remember green beer at the bombshelter. Arrive at 12:00pm and drink until closing. We payed for that the next morning....

12:53 pm

Blogger Sally T. said...

Oh, I LOVE this post! What a great thing to read on St. Paddy's Day. I do remember green beer (and the gawd awful 3-day hangover that followed it).

It's my anniversary today (5 years with M.) and one year since M. quit his job to start his own company; it's a great day!

1:09 am

Blogger Marta said...

Happy happy day Sal! Hangovers usually last a week for me now that I'm old(er).

4:25 pm


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