27 March 2007

Back to work Blues
I'm singing the back to work blues today. BIG time. I couldn't sleep last night at all - combination anxiety at returning to a MOUND of work, and my son kept having nightmares that woke me up (maybe he was channeling my anxious brain waves). So I ended up in the shower at 5am and at work before 8am. The day was okay, but it's amazing how quickly the fatigue comes back. I am already back to falling asleep on the train on the way home. One of the first things that I did when I got to work was fill out a vacation slip for my Paris trip - oh ya, I booked my flight to Paris with my friend K. I can't wait! I have already warned her that I'm the tourist-Nazi and will have quite the itinerary set up for us.

Now if I can only get through the next 7 weeks ......


Blogger Sally T. said...

I couldn't travel with you, M. I'm into sauntering, shopping, pubbing and sleeping when I travel. Itineraries give me hives.

Paris in spring sounds heavenly, though.

10:46 am

Blogger Marta said...

Trust me - I "schedule" all those things into my travel itinerary .... I just want to take full advantage of a place that I may never have the chance to visit again.

12:39 pm


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