6 April 2007

The Secret
I'm sure that everybody has heard of this phenomenon by now. Oprah did a show on it a while back, and the book is selling like crazy. I had the Secret reinforced today as I sat down to watch the DVD that my sister gave me as one of my "40 survival kit". It is amazing how quickly I can stray off the path, get sucked into my negative thoughts, and then wonder why things are way wrong. I would like to put it out there right now, that I am officially back on track.

"You create your own universe as you go along." Winston Churchill

This is essentially the bottom line of the Secret. The thoughts and feelings that you put out there are what you will get in return. The laws of attraction say it is so. I have a friend who lives by the Secret every day of her life, and she is a joy to talk to and be around. Most people think that she's "out there" and don't get her, but that's their problem. Because the one thing that B taught me more than anything, is to ask for what I want, have faith that it will come, and then allow it to come. As I was watching the DVD I thought about the words that I've been using lately - second-guessing, doubt - all negative. How many times do I think that life is a disappointment? People are a disappointment? Far too often. No wonder my dating life hasn't been working out - I'm drawing these people in.

There are 3 main steps to the Secret:
  1. Ask - make a command to the universe for what you want
  2. Believe - believe that what you want is already yours
  3. Receive - feel the way that you will feel when you get what you want.

Sounds easy, right? I for one, am going to try and start each day with a bit of gratitude. So here goes - things that I am grateful for:

  • my 2 wonderful boys who are healthy, happy, intelligent, interesting, and who like to talk to me and spend time with me
  • my warped sense of humour
  • financial stability
  • friends that I can talk to
  • living in Dundas
  • soft skin
  • my new bike


Blogger Sally T. said...

Good girl.

I think I mentioned it somewhere in one of your blog comments (can't remember which one).

These ideas are what M. and I live by, starting when he quit his job last year in pursuit of a real life. We didn't know it was called The Secret but now we do!

11:21 pm


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