29 April 2007

Sick ..... again
I have come down with some sort of illness yet again - last night I had a sore throat and fever. This morning I feel better (good enough to do 40km on my bike), but I'm still not 100%. I am getting sick every 3 weeks or so - and it's so tiring. I've had the flu a few times, stomach things, sinus cold (lasted 10 days!), and now this sore throat/fever thing. What the hell is going on? I realize that my body has been through some major trauma from my surgery, but I feel like my immune system isn't on.

My friend J told me to take apple cider vinegar pills - she has a friend who drinks the stuff (mixed with something else, but yuck!) every day and is never sick. And my mother still swears by echinacea, although I have never had much success with that.

Any suggestions to get me well again?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vitamin C and positive thinking!

4:35 pm


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