23 July 2007

Black and white

I tend to be a very black and white person. Not so easy for me to find shades of gray in things. Maybe that's why I can make decisions quite easily and have a dependable reputation at work. It's probably also why I tend to lose patience for people who are experiencing difficulty in their life, but constantly make excuses and don't do anything to get clarity or closure or to make things better.

I love to think about things and reflect - turn them over and over in my head. Analyze and, at times, over-analyze! Over the past couple of months, religion seems to be a central theme to my thoughts. And I realized that maybe I'm not so black and white after all. Good versus evil isn't so clear cut. Morality isn't the absence of bad - we all do little "bad" things in our life and we can still call ourselves good people. I've lied. I've broken the law (and haven't been caught). I've hurt people by my actions. I know what my weaknesses are, and I learn from the mistakes that I have made. In fact, I strive to learn something about myself and what drives my actions every day.

Why am I thinking about this so much? Believe it or not, the Harry Potter mania has brought this out to a certain extent. These books are about very big issues of good versus bad, loss, friendship, etc. I think that JK Rowling is brilliant for introducing these topics to children and not hiding the realities of life from them. Life is full of tragedy and loss and tough decisions, but it is also filled with strength and courage and friendship. I know that I'm going to cry reading this final book - I just know it.

On a final note, a big Happy Birthday to my little B. My super-boy is 11 today. And he still tells his mom that he loves her everyday. xo


Blogger Sally T. said...

Happy birthday to B! And thanks for making me think a little harder than I planned to on a Monday morning ;)

11:22 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true! Rereading the sixth HP definitely made me marvel at how no one character is purely good or purely evil, and that all had had experiences that contributed to who they had become and who they appeared to be in the eyes of different people. Pretty thought-provoking for a "children's book", eh?

And happy birthday to B - another year of great parenting, Marta!

8:40 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you teach me some of that black/white stuff. Everything in my world is grey, and I'm usually the one feeling wrong. And you think you need therapy just for man problems! The world of grey sucks because people can spin you however they want you to see them...

8:17 am


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