31 July 2007

Feeling hot, hot hot.

Good lord - it's hot here. I walked to Union Station today and the sweat was dripping down my back by the time that I got there. I passed a sign that indicated the temperature - 94 stinking degrees ... and that's without the humidity! My poor plants and lawn are suffering. We need some rain. And I don't even want to discuss what this weather is doing to my hair - afro was never a good look for me.

Some fallout from my insomnia - I fell asleep on the train today and woke up just as we were pulling into the station. I have never done that before. A few more minutes and I would have been on my way to Brantford. I need to get a good night's sleep!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... white girl with an afro in Brantford... could have picked up some interesting men in that situation!

7:31 pm


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