1 August 2007


I'm heart-broken. I just read that Steve Martin got married. I. Love. Him. Despite the older man thing, which I usually find creepy.

So my kids are away this week, and I have managed to do next to nothing so far. Not what I had envisioned, and I'm feeling rather bummed about it. The big plans that I have for my life are so far all in my head. If the long weekend turns out to be one big poopyfest then I might have to do a big junk food purge to soothe my disappointment.

Reading the last Harry Potter. I have to admit - I'm underwhelmed so far .... I hope that it gets better.


Blogger Sally T. said...

I started HP last night and I think it'll be a quick read. You like Steve Martin? Okay, that's almost as odd as me liking Kevin Spacey (who's not only older, but rumoured to be gay).

11:32 am

Blogger vancouver said...

see my post re: Harry Potter

2:24 pm


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