7 September 2007

Weekly Peeves

Gosh there are just so many irritants that I encounter on a daily basis. Is it just me, or does it seem like more and more things bug you the older you get? Less patience, or is the world and the people in it becoming more annoying?

Irks du jour - in no particular order:
  1. Bossy women - I went to help a friend set up his campaign office the other night, and there was on bossy woman there who had something (not sure what) to prove. I felt like giggling after her numerous attempts to take over my ideas.
  2. Rude older men - that I encounter when commuting. There is a man on the VIA train that I take sometimes who HAS TO be the first in line to get off the train. The other night he was sitting across from me, and when I stood up to leave my seat, he immediately grabbed his stuff, kicked my bag out of the way, and pushed in front of me. What a maroon.
  3. Crappy drivers - What is with the number of people who pull out in front of you, and then drive slowly so that you have to slam on your brakes? WAIT FOR A BREAK IN THE TRAFFIC before turning into it (please)!
  4. Going to the video store and all the good movies are rented. And a crappy selection to begin with in the summer months.
  5. New shoes that give you blisters - Any woman reading this will know the excitement of buying a new pair of shoes and wearing them for the first time. Shoes totally make the outfit. And then you end up with bloody scabs on your feet and toes. Attractive.
  6. Coming home from work STARVING and finding out that your teenage food receptacle has eaten all the yummy Chinese food leftovers. Grrrrr, manchild!

And on a happy note, I'm so excited because C is coming for a visit this weekend! I LOVE having something really great to look forward to!


Blogger Sally T. said...

I only buy ugly, comfortable shoes now. Sad, but true...and I haven't had a shoe blister in about 10 years.

Have fun this weekend (is C the C I think it is)?

10:55 am


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